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How to Stay Clear of Ransomware

how to avoid ransomware | mycrecloud

Ransomware infiltrates a user’s PC or mobile device using malicious software that is most commonly installed unintentionally after clicking a link in an email that’s posed as something else. Once it is installed, the software prevents users from accessing their files and demands a sum of money to unencrypt the data. The latest advancements in ransomware introduces a more serious threat for modern businesses, encouraging businesses to take stronger security precautions.

How does ransomware get to your devices or the cloud?

Ransomware is delivered in a wide variety of ways. It can be transferred through:

  • Javascript exploits
  • Microsoft Office macros
  • PDF exploits
  • Linus malware
  • Backdoors
  • Emails

Ransomware uses social engineering to bypass layers of security and once it infects one computer, it can easily spread to every device on the same network (and cloud) via automatic syncing. 1 in 10 companies has some form of malware in their storage – making a strong case for programs that auto-detect malware and recover before malware can spread.

The most common ransomware strains

  • Bad Rabbit
  • Cryptolocker
  • GoldenEye
  • Jigsaw
  • Locky
  • Maze
  • NotPetya
  • Petya
  • Ryuk
  • Wannacry

How Do I Prevent Ransomware?

Prevention is the best tool to protecting your devices and business from ransomware. Recommendations include:

  • Keeping software up-to-date
  • Using unique passwords for your online sign-ins
  • Reducing the accessibility of cloud applications to only those who need them
  • Reporting suspicious activity
  • If you are unsure – take it slow and confirm with a colleague!
  • Use two-factor authentication

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